Te Reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Term 4 Reading

WALT read a variety of fiction and non - fiction books for pleasure and to find information.
Student Voice " I can find great books to read in the library".

Term 4 Music

WALT keep the beat in time with the music.

Student Voice - " I can keep in time to the music". 

Term 4 Strand Maths

WALT follow and give directions. 
Student Voice " I can give someone directions like go three steps forward, turn left take 5 more steps". 

Term 3 Writing

WALT write a recount answering who,what,when,where,why? 

Yesterday I went to a bike  shop. I saw a golden bike and I also saw a red bike. My Dad thought the blue bike was good but the red bike had three gears on the front. The blue bike only had one gear. We bought the red bike. My Dad talked to the man and the man said he will bring it at night time. He had a van with my bike on it.

Student Voice - "I have told you what, when, who, where". 

Term 3 Strand Maths

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my shoe using a ruler and say how long it is".

Physical Education Term 3

WALT ball skills.

Student Voice - " I have good soccer skills with a ball".

CARE Term 3

WALT use the Oaklands CARE values.

Reading Term 2

WALT know our blends.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know what sound  two letters together like br  make.